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Re: Thoughts on Speed

By setherick - League Admin
2/13/2025 6:53 pm
Infinity on Trial wrote:

I don't see you complaining when I send it to you directly.

Re: Thoughts on Speed

By setherick - League Admin
2/13/2025 6:58 pm
It's not my fault images are broken. Here's the link:

Python Code (put it into GPT to format it correctly)

import pandas as pd

# Updated mass, average force, and max force values
positions_with_details = {
"CB": (191, 76, 96),
"WR": (197, 76.5, 95),
"S": (206, 73.5, 94),
"RB": (217, 76, 92),
"QB": (220, 51.3, 91),
"WLB": (237, 71, 89),
"SLB": (241, 72, 88),
"FB": (243, 53.5, 88), # Heavier fullbacks
"MLB": (245, 66.7, 88),
"TE": (257, 61.8, 87), # Heavier tight ends
"DE": (276, 66, 84),
"C": (283, 73.5, 83),
"DT": (300, 59.5, 80),
"LG": (308, 51.6, 79),
"LT": (312, 58.2, 79),
"RG": (316, 54.7, 78),
"RT": (320, 57.3, 77)

# Define offensive and defensive players
offensive_positions = ["WR", "RB", "QB", "FB", "TE", "C", "LG", "LT", "RG", "RT"]
defensive_positions = ["CB", "S", "WLB", "SLB", "MLB", "DE", "DT"]

# Initialize matrices for required force values (to match average and max forces)
required_force_avg_matrix = pd.DataFrame(columns=defensive_positions, index=offensive_positions)
required_force_max_matrix = pd.DataFrame(columns=defensive_positions, index=offensive_positions)

defensive_force_avg_matrix = pd.DataFrame(columns=offensive_positions, index=defensive_positions)
defensive_force_max_matrix = pd.DataFrame(columns=offensive_positions, index=defensive_positions)

# Fill the matrices with the corresponding force values
for off_pos, (off_mass, _, _) in positions_with_details.items():
if off_pos in offensive_positions:
for def_pos, (def_mass, def_avg_force, def_max_force) in positions_with_details.items():
if def_pos in defensive_positions:
# Required force to match average defensive force
f2_avg = (def_avg_force / def_mass) * off_mass
required_force_avg_matrix.loc[off_pos, def_pos] = f"{f2_avg:.2f}"

# Required force to match max defensive force
f2_max = (def_max_force / def_mass) * off_mass
required_force_max_matrix.loc[off_pos, def_pos] = f"{f2_max:.2f}"
for def_pos, (def_mass, _, _) in positions_with_details.items():
if def_pos in defensive_positions:
for off_pos, (off_mass, off_avg_force, off_max_force) in positions_with_details.items():
if off_pos in offensive_positions:
# Required force to match average defensive force
f2_avg = (off_avg_force / off_mass) * def_mass
defensive_force_avg_matrix.loc[def_pos, off_pos] = f"{f2_avg:.2f}"

# Required force to match max defensive force
f2_max = (off_max_force / off_mass) * def_mass
defensive_force_max_matrix.loc[def_pos, off_pos] = f"{f2_max:.2f}"

# Display the required force matrices
print("Required Acceleration to Match Average Acceleration of Defensive Players:")
print("\nRequired Acceleration to Match Max Acceleration of Defensive Players:")
print("Required Acceleration to Match Average Acceleration of Offensive Players:")
print("\nRequired Acceleration to Match Max Acceleration of Offensive Players:")
Last edited at 2/13/2025 7:07 pm

Re: Thoughts on Speed

By Infinity on Trial
2/13/2025 8:14 pm
I'm a different kind of nerd:

Re: Thoughts on Speed

By martinwarnett
2/14/2025 3:16 am
One thing that leapt out at me straight away, confirming what I've seen in games, is that if a play breaks down and a QB runs. they can get good yards (or are gone).
Which also explains why I've had some success converting QBs to RBs.

Also shows a dominance of D line over O line - it's counter-intuitive that a DE would need what 51 to match ave acc of a LT? You'd figure acceleration would loosely equate to reflexes, so both O line and D Line should need high values to react to the snap - albeit with O line having an advantage in knowing when the snap is.
Last edited at 2/14/2025 3:32 am

Re: Thoughts on Speed

By Dogboyuk75
2/19/2025 3:23 am
Agree infinity it’s at times like this you realise you are well out your depth in a football sim:)
That’s why I don’t win **** all :)

Re: Thoughts on Speed

By martinwarnett
2/20/2025 2:44 pm
It's times like starting 0-5 that make me realise I'm out of my depth...

There are levels, Seth's analysis is superb, I don't get all the maths (I turned off when imaginary numbers were taught to me, making **** up is bonkers), but you don't need to grasp all the formula, the raw numbers are still important.

Seth is incredibly successful due to the hard work he's put in, he gives back to the MFN community in spades.

Only downside is by drawing back the curtain to reveal the Wizard of Oz, ruins my view of my lickle players as sentient beings...
Last edited at 2/20/2025 2:46 pm