I'm completely against this idea. Making unbalanced, clearly lopsided trades in the name of fairness?
So now Tampa Bay decides who is gifted picks in an effort to create some sort of competitive balance?
Tampa Bay has accumulated a ton of picks in trades. If you want to get rid of some of your picks then make fair trades to do so. It goes from one extreme to the next.
If Hpkman feels like he has too many picks then stop trading for them. If anyone else thinks Hpkman has too many picks, stop trading with him. Giving away picks for unfair compensation doesnt create competitive balnce.....it distorts it by benefiting one team over another. How is giving away a 5th for a 7th benefiting the other 30 teams? Even if you do it 10 times, 21 other teams arent benefitted by it but hurt by it.
Declaring yourself God of the league and giving away picks doesnt make things better. Every pick you have accumulated over time has been done between 2 owners making what they believe to be a fair and balanced trade. Now that you have won a title, you want to give away picks to balance things out? In my opinion, it makes a mockery of the whole league and hurts owners that are trying to build a team the right way.
I've made trades with Hpkman and won a title as a direct result of those trades. If you have too many picks, stop trading for them.
You will never convince me making bad trades is good for the league. It's not my league so it isnt up to me. I was well and gone before somebody completed ruined my old team and I came back to help the admin salvage a ruined francise. Personally, you can keep your charity, I dont want it.