6.23 RB Joseph Voigt 7/1
Nice enough little gain for bottom of roster, #4 RB.
3.3 WR Miguel Yamamoto 9/-3
Receiving stats high enough that the drop in future may not be too important, certainly will use till rookie contract ends.
3.21 WR Michael Kuhns
Similar to Yamamoto, so WR strengthened for next few seasons.
6.12 LT Jeff Fox 0/-9
Was pegged as a swing O lineman, probably going to be Old Yellered.
1.5 LT Owen Simon 9/-6
Sigh, can never have shiny things... should still be good enough to start.
1.19 LG Harold McDonald LG 15/-2
Nice gain, more or less maxed. He and SImon are upgrades, so useful.
4.7 LDE Joel Martinez 11/0
Is what it says on the tin, depth D lineman.
2.21 DT Michael Narvaez 4/-4
Disappointng but depth at DT.
2.4 RDE Jeff Owens 7/0
USeful D lineman.
3.22 SLB Brendan Wingfield 9/-4
May convert to secondary, not decided.
5.6 SLB Steven Williams 8/3
Finally a boomer! SLB a need atm, may convert to CB if FA works out.
6.5 CB Cory Lobdell
Clearly I'm better with late picks.... nice gain as a depth CB but more or less at limit.
2.2 CB Eric Patterson 4/-3
Detroit... turning early picks into depth.