i would say watch out for BEER to win .
All kidding aside i would Atlanta Falcons will win because GrandadB has had 17th LC congrats from me (
https://cust35.myfootballnow.com/forums/1/662?page=1#1321 ) over the Cleveland Browns ( Mcarovil ) because Mcarovil has only 1 Super Bowl Title (Agent 86 =
https://agent86.myfootballnow.com/team/26 )
And last i checked 17 super bowl titles are more than 1 Super Bowl Titles.
And really if Cleveland wins it would be a major upset more than them just getting to the Super Bowl.
also Mcarovil is 1-3 in the Super Bowl
2 conference champs =
https://cust77.myfootballnow.com/team/161 conference champ =
https://beta87.myfootballnow.com/team/18Which proves this is mismatch if you go by super bowl titles and overall record in the super bowl game which GrandadB probably is way better which i am not going to check.