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Formula for 40 time?

By mardn72
4/12/2017 1:05 pm
I know JDB has said it'd be super easy to calculate a players 40 time, but that he hasn't gotten around to it yet. Has anyone figured out the formula for that? In particular, I'm trying to determine the effective speed of:

100 SP/100 AC/236 lbs
69 SP/93 AC/193 lbs


Re: Formula for 40 time?

By raymattison21
4/14/2017 10:14 am
mardn72 wrote:
I know JDB has said it'd be super easy to calculate a players 40 time, but that he hasn't gotten around to it yet. Has anyone figured out the formula for that? In particular, I'm trying to determine the effective speed of:

100 SP/100 AC/236 lbs
69 SP/93 AC/193 lbs


Basically with 100 acceleration
325@100 speed is 5.6
300@100 speed is 5.4
275@ 100 speed is 5.2
250@100 is 5.0
225@100 is 4.8
200@100 is 4.6
175@100 is 4.4

For effective speed one would have to know how the fatigue rating works. Also, other rating change in game speeds.

When he changes the way speed and acceleration are displayed it will be easier to determine who is faster than who. He will then most likely have 40 times for players.

This is a good one. I would use ball carry as the decider

Re: Formula for 40 time?

By mardn72
4/15/2017 12:48 pm
Thanks Ray. That starts to help. I figured you'd be the one that would have the formula if there was anyone. Any idea what the 40 times are at a lower speed rating? Even one more data point and I could reverse engineer the whole thing.

In my particular situation, I'm actually looking at SS - got a slow DB and a fast LB we roughly equal skills.

Re: Formula for 40 time?

By Booger926
4/15/2017 12:54 pm
mardn72 wrote:
Thanks Ray. That starts to help. I figured you'd be the one that would have the formula if there was anyone. Any idea what the 40 times are at a lower speed rating? Even one more data point and I could reverse engineer the whole thing.

In my particular situation, I'm actually looking at SS - got a slow DB and a fast LB we roughly equal skills.

Think I read somewhere that the ratings are for the position played....i.e a OL with 100 speed is NOT the same as a WR with 100 speed

Re: Formula for 40 time?

By mardn72
4/15/2017 12:55 pm
It's not really the position, but the weight of the player. If you OL weighed the same as your WR, they would both run the same speed.

Re: Formula for 40 time?

By raymattison21
4/15/2017 1:31 pm
mardn72 wrote:
Thanks Ray. That starts to help. I figured you'd be the one that would have the formula if there was anyone. Any idea what the 40 times are at a lower speed rating? Even one more data point and I could reverse engineer the whole thing.

In my particular situation, I'm actually looking at SS - got a slow DB and a fast LB we roughly equal skills.

Well here goes cause I threw out all my stuff when I moved, but will do it all again with the new code. Still, it doesn't matter cause of the values he uses for weight penalties . My evaluations were based of a hand stop watch. Then I used the most likely adjustments from there. Under the new code a players mobility is slightly less valueable.

(His are different than mine, and neither over rule the other actual ratings used in tandem with the formula during that specific senerio . ......a slower player out running a faster player could be because of fatigue, but most likely the ball carry vs. Run defense )

But using a graph makes it real clear. I think I used a 100 yard field (graph) say a guy has 10 speed and 100 acceleration by 10 yards that guy has reached full speed and there fore cannot travel faster, but he got there the fastest . A 100 speed 100 acceleration guy has traveled 10 times as far.

A 10 speed 10 acceleration at 325 ran slower thanot eight seconds and at 200 pounds was like 6 seconds.

I took that graph a adjusted the Slowest guy to be a 10 sp/10 acc. Run a 9 second fourty And also adjusted for the weight penalty . I think it was 4.5 yards per second for the slowest.

Really you could put both on the kickoff team and let them race, but the run defense rating will have a minor effect.

I think it was an 88 speed 200 pounder was a fast as a 100 speed 225 pounder. And like an 83 speed 200 pounder was as fast 100 speed at 250 pounds. Something like that.

To me that makes the bigger guy faster in you situation but it is close and fatigue and other ratings used in that scenario that would win. But remember the bigger does get tired quiker. I like to use both those types of players in reserve roles or split time players as they will be playing fresh while perhaps the defenders are tired.

Very few breakaways under this new code being developed right take all this with a grain of salt.

Easy math is the 236 pounder is traveling at max speed but is 43 pounds heavier will loose about 20 points of speed. The smaller guy will still be around 10 points slower despite a smaller weight penalty but he won't fatigue as quick, so I see a close 40 time after fatigue of longer plays . Another 15 pounds of weight loss and the big guy won't get beat to the corner. That small guy might always get beat.

Re: Formula for 40 time?

By setherick - League Admin
4/15/2017 2:21 pm
Unless Ray knows something that I don't (and ideally can point to it in a thread), the only thing that Run Defense is used for is to shuck run blocks. That's at least the only thing that I know that it's used for for sure.

Re: Formula for 40 time?

By jdavidbakr - Site Admin
4/15/2017 2:48 pm
setherick wrote:
Unless Ray knows something that I don't (and ideally can point to it in a thread), the only thing that Run Defense is used for is to shuck run blocks. That's at least the only thing that I know that it's used for for sure.

This is correct, Run Defense is used against Run Blocking, and Pass Rush against Pass Blocking.

Re: Formula for 40 time?

By WarEagle
4/15/2017 8:09 pm
jdavidbakr wrote:
setherick wrote:
Unless Ray knows something that I don't (and ideally can point to it in a thread), the only thing that Run Defense is used for is to shuck run blocks. That's at least the only thing that I know that it's used for for sure.

This is correct, Run Defense is used against Run Blocking, and Pass Rush against Pass Blocking.

Those are more attributes that are counter-intuitive.

Common sense would make you think Run Defense is a player's ability to defend against the run, and Pass Rush is a player's ability to rush the passer.

In actuality these should be called Run Block Shedding and Pass Block Shedding.

Renaming the attributes to reflect what they are actually for would probably go a long way to help new owners.

Re: Formula for 40 time?

By raymattison21
4/15/2017 9:49 pm
jdavidbakr wrote:
setherick wrote:
Unless Ray knows something that I don't (and ideally can point to it in a thread), the only thing that Run Defense is used for is to shuck run blocks. That's at least the only thing that I know that it's used for for sure.

This is correct, Run Defense is used against Run Blocking, and Pass Rush against Pass Blocking.

Run defense effects the angle the players take on the ball carrier . Maybe his speed won't change but In my mind it's a player taking longer than he should.

Especially when he over shoots the ball carrier . .....he will get there but it's going to slow him down in comparison to a 99 run defense taking a perfect angle. Shortest distance to the ball technically is the fastest.

It gets wonky here when you run straight lines. A 73 speed TE who weighs 258 pounds should never out run a 185 pound 87 speed, but it happened. It's in the bug box. Some one respond with ball carry.

Perhaps ball carry slows defenders down or causes them to take poor angles. If so ignore it all. Because most of the hard questions I feild them whether or not jdb does or not . It just my experience with the game in my words. Something with players angles happen here not every guy take a poor angle.....but heck maybe they do